Sunday, October 15, 2006

Pollution and Hidden Rockets

Just a day before I saw an news article that Pakistan is among the countries that have very high levels of oil Pollution. Just another medal to the growing list of competencies! But there are number of other matters issues to be looked into before someone can come over and save us from inhaling it or saving the sea line from yet another oil spill.

Our leaders have to tackle much bigger issues like discussion and implementationo f Haqook-e-Niswan bill, the Balochistan issue, dealing with the Allaka Ghair jirgas’ and most recently finding rockets in the Capital’s gardens!.

Where are we, as a nation headed? Just to kill or be killed? Does this add up in the list of things to become a developed nation? After all killings and extremism is found in the most developed and civilized nations of the world (

Faisal Naik

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